Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflection Questions 152-156 on night.

152. Why do you think Elie Wiesel wrote this book?
I think Elie wrote this book to tell people about his experince during the holocaust. He wrote this book to show people what happened and how horrible life as for a jew in a concentration camp. He wrote this book to tell people about the Germans and how cruel they were. He might have wrote this tel people about the holocaust so that it never happens again.

153. Why do think he chose Night as the title?
I think he gave the book the title of night because nighttime is dark and bad things uaslly happen more at night. This book has horrible things in it and this was dark period of time.

154. How does Elie change as a result of his expeience in the concentration camps?
He is so skinny from malnuriousment. He toke care of his father and stayed near him but when he died Elie felt that nothing could bother im. He felt that he was free to take care of himself. Now after the camps he takes care of himself because in the camps it was all for one. When the prisonors were free the first thing they did was eat the food in the kitchen. He also didnt cry for his father when he died. He no longer prayed. He didnt feel anything when he saw someone die .

155. How does Elie finally come to terms with his ordeal?(What does he finally do?)
He doesnt remember his family anymore. He wants to take care of himself. He only thinks about himself now and no one else. He writes a book about his experinces.

156. Give examples of issues in Night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?
In India there is genocide happening. The muslims are being treated badly and going through genicide by the other religions in India. They are burning muslims in their houses with their families. They are putting muslims in camps and killing them. The reason why people dont like the muslims is because of religion and they think they killed 200 hindus on purpose because of their religion. I dont think we can do anything about genocide in the world but we can prevent it from happening here. We could vote for people that would help america into office. We could keep people from having more power than the president. If someone tried to start a genocide then we could arrest the leader and put them in jail for life and they are not allowed visitors. They wont have any way of communication to keep the genocide going so the people would not be able to do what happened in this book.

In Ethiopia the Anuak are going through genocide. The Ethiopian police are killing the Anuak people. The police are breaking down peoples doors and killing the family inside. They would tell them to run and shoot them. They would beat the men and boys in the street and then shoot them.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Diary of Anne Frank

PG 832(1-8)
1.The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why
The hardest rule for me to follow would to stay completely still from 8am to 6pm and to not be able to talk for that long. I like to move around when I'm sleep and awake. I could not stay quiet for that long. I don't like to talk that much but i couldn't stay quiet for 10 hours.
2. a)In scene 1, what objects does Mr.Frank find in the secret rooms?b)How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?
Mr.Frank finds a scarf and a white female glove.The scarf was a Christmas gift from Anne, the year they were caught. The scarf might have reminded him of that last Christmas with Anne. The white glove belonged to Margot, his other daughter. It might have reminded him of his daughter.
3. a)what special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?b) What do Anne's presents show about her? (c)Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents?
Hanukkah mean togetherness for the families. It also means another year being alive and not in concentration camps.
Anne's presents show that she cares about every body in the house even though she argues with them constantly. It also shows that she can still think of the good things instead of all the bad.
They act enthusiastically because they know it will make Anne feel better. They know that they might not ever get another present again and this may be their last Hanukkah together.
4.Discuss Mr.Frank's statement, "There are no locks that anyone can put on your mind." How does Anne prove its true.
Anne always spoke her mind. Even though bad things were happening around her she still was herself and thought of good things and what she would do when she got back home. No one could tell her not to be herself or think the way she did. So no one could put a lock or stop her from thinking what she did about the world.
5. What is the historical cause that forced the Franks to go into hiding? b) What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?
During this time the holocaust was going on around them. They had to be quiet for a long period of time during they day. They could not go outside because if they did they would be caught. They all had to get along with each other in the house too, because if they didn't they could get caught by the Nazis. They couldn't eat a lot of food because they didn't have much and Meip didn't come all the time.
6.a) What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews. b) What background information about war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended treatment effects?
The Nazis wanted to be able to tell the difference from a Jew and a none Jew. So they made Jews war the star of David. The Nazis mostly targeted the Jews so they would have to know who was a Jew and who wasn't. The family hid because they didn't want to be in concentration camps. The Nazis made people scared so they went into hiding. They didnt want them to feel like people are strong.
7. Complete an organizer with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.
a) Reveals character and relationships-"In spite of everything, i still believe that people are really good at heart."b) Advances the action of the plot-"You dirty thief...stealing food...you good-for-nothing..."c) Develop the conflict-"Usally when i come up here, i try to bring good news.I know it's a terrible thing to ask of you, living as you are, but would you take him in with you?"
8.After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personality?
Mr Van Daan is selfish and doesnt want any one else to eat their food. He doesnt want another mouth to feed. Anne and the Franks are okay with having another person in the house. They find a place for him to stay right away.

PG 870(1-9)
1. What do you like best about Anne Frank?How would you like having her as a friend?
I like that she always thought of the good things about things and people. On Christmas instead of her thinking about if this was going to be my last, she gave people presents and thought of ways to make them smile. I would love for to be my friend because shes a tough person. She could get through anything. She also would find ways to make my laugh.

2. a) What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler bring on New Years? b) What hint does this gve about the ending of the story? Mr.Kraler told them that a theif had come in and stole the radio. The theif could have told the Nazis that they were in the house hiding. So we know that the Nazis came and toke them away.
3. a) What is the time span of Act II. b) How have the characters changed since the end of Act I. c)How do you know that Anne has changed? The time span is about a year. From January 1944 till November 1945. In the end of Act I the families are happy and rejoicing because its hanukkah. But in Act II they are mad that Mr. Van Daan stole food from them. They also were scared that they were caught.
4.How can Anne believe that in spite of all that people are really good at heart? b) What does Mr.Frank mean when he says She puts me to shame. Anne is only a little girl and she hasnt expereinced what the older people have. So she knows that people dont do bad because thy are just evil but because its for a reason. Some people act bad because they try to protect others. So she knows that people are good inside bad bad on the outside.
5.Identify cause and effect. a) Mr.Van Daan desion to steal food. b) Mrs.Franks change in heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave. A) The rest of the family had littler and littler to eat each night. Also Mrs.Frank got made and wanted his family outexcept Peter. B)Peter and his family got to stay. Anne got to stay with Peter.
6. What are some possible causes of Mrs.Van Daan attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship. In the story Mrs.Van Daan was always surronded by boys in her younger days. So the things she did with those boys might have made her think Anne and Peter was going to do the same thing. She's also a mother and all mothers want the best for their children and she might not think Anne is the right one for him. Anne is also 3 years younger than Peter, so his mom might think he shouldd be with someone his own age, like Margot.
7. Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the "Secret Annex." List three effects that result from this single cause. They had to make a sick person better or they all might get sick. The children thought thy were going to go crazy from being in the tightly spaced house and from not being outside. There were constent fights btween each person because there was not alot of space and not alot of food.
8. Identify the possible motivation behind the actions. 1)Meip brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms. 2) Mr.Van Daan steals food. 3) Peter lets Anne in his room. Meip had good news that the invasion had started and the war should be over soon and they will be free to go outside again. Mr.Van Daan is a big person and hes most likely not used to eating so little food. Peter is starting to like Anne alot more and he thinks she's a nice person.
9.What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding? If the person thhat caught them was really a thief then the thief could have told on them and so his crimes could be dropped. He wouldnt have to go to jail if he turned them in.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

50 things i know about the holocaust.

1. Adolf Hitler was the leader.

2. It started around 1933 and ended in 1945.

3.Holocaust means sacrafice by fire in greek.

4.Germany believed that Germans were racially superior.

5.The Nazis thought the jews were a threat to their racial community.

6. German's also targeted other groups, because of their perceived racial inferiority, like the Gypsies, the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples,Russians, and others.

7. Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavior, among them communists, socialists, jehovah witnesses, and homosexuals.

8. Between two and three million of people were murdered or died of starvation, disease, neglect, or maltreatment.

9.Hitler called it the final solution.

10.The term ghetto come from the name of the Jewish quarter in Venice.

11.There are three diffrent ghettos, the open ghetto, closed ghetto, and destruction ghetto.

12.Almost six million jews were killed during the holocaust.

13. Nazis treated women the same as men.

14. Women that were pregnant or had small children were automatically sent to exacution camps.

15. In the final months of the war, guards moved camp inmates by train or on forced marches, that were called death marches in an attempt to prevent the Allied liberation of large numbers of prisoners.

16.Poland was the country with the largest Jewish population.

17.Jews and Roma were gassed in mobile gas vans.

18.they made gas chambers to make killing the jews more efficent.

19. Up to 6,000 Jews were gassed there each day.

20.Jews in Nazi-occupied land often were first taken to transit camps.

21.the forcrd the camp inmates to do forced labor.

22.The Germans killed as many as 1.5 million children, including over a million Jewish children.

23.they killed tens of thousands of gypsy children.

24.In the ghettos, Jewish children died from starvation and exposure and because they have no adequate clothing or shelter.

25.children were usally the first to go to killing centers or the first to be taken to mass graves and shot.

26.Pogrom is a Russian word meaning to wreak havoc to demolish violently.

27.Germans would shot someones family in front of them.

28.Women were beaten and raped in camps.

29. Pregnant women were claimed not able to work, so they kill them or get abortions.

30.They toke people to gassing chambers and killing centers.

31.the warsaw ghetto was the biggest ghetto that was used in the holocaust.

32.they did experiments on people, children, women and men.

33.the jews and slave people had tatooed numbers on their bodies.

34.they wore a jacket called the julian noga prisoners jacket.

35.if you ha a child from a german then they would still have abortions or put the women in a gassing chamber.

36.They experimented sterilizing women at camps.

37.Some campers would hide people and children in ghettos.

38.alot of people were split up and taken away from each others.

39.some families were killed in front of other families.

40.Pregnant Jewish women often tried to conceal their pregnancies or were forced to submit to abortions.

41.Some women were active in the aid and rescue operations of the Jews in German-occupied Europe.

42.The Nazis didnt care what race, sex, as long as you werent german, they would put you in camps.

43.They had mobile killing units.

44.Shooting was the most common form of killing used by the mobile killing units.

45.They would gas people in a van.

46.They packed mass people in gassing chambers to kill more people.

47.After the Nazis siezed power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler publicly discouraged "disorder" and acts of violence.

48.The pogrom in Kielce was one of the factors that led to a mass westward migration of hundreds of thousands of Jews who had survived the Holocaust.

49.They raped and murdered their Jewish victims and looted their property.

50.By late summer of 1941, increasing instances of corruption, plunder, settling of old scores, destruction of important economic resources, and the infiltration of former communists into groups that perpetrated the “pogroms” led the German authorities to abandon the practice on the Eastern Front.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Solving a problem on the street

There are to many gangs and gang bangers on the street. We could reduce them by having more police on the blocks. We could reduce their gun violence by controlling how many guns are distributed and who has guns. We could also lock up the gang bangers we capture instead of letting them go.

If we have more police on every block, then the gangs would not hang around on them or start trouble on the block. The gangs know that if there is a cop around, they cant do anything bad. Gangs usually hang around the blocks to sell drugs and just start trouble. But if there were more police, then they wouldn’t hang around the block anymore.

If we could reduce how many guns go out to the streets then we could reduce the gun violence that gangs get into. If we could find out who has the guns then it would be easier to capture gang bangers. People get hurt and killed because of gun violence that gangs do. If we don’t want people to get hurt then we should know who has the guns and how many are distributed.

Gang bangers are prosecuted everyday. But a lot of them get out early or just get away with what they did. If you ever heard the phrase “I can get away with murder” then it is kind of what happens. Gang bangers shoot and kill people and they get away with it. If we could find a way to lock up all the gang bangers that shot or killed someone or broke the law then we could reduce the gangs on the street.

Gangs are a big problem on the streets today. We could reduce them by having more police on the blocks. Also by controlling who and how many guns are on the street. We could stop gangs by locking up all the gang bangers that have done wrong. That’s my solution to gangs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

One night as me and my brother stayed wake because we were so hungry, we over heard our parents talking about leaving us in the forest alone to die. I as horrified that my father would ever agree to it but he did. I started to cry. But my brother Hansel comforted me and told me "God will help us." Then he got up and went outside. I wondered what he was doing. He came back into our little room with alot of white pebbles in his pocket. I asked, "What are those for?" He answered," You'll find out in the morning sister." That made me feel i little better. Then i fell asleep wondering what my brother had in mind with those pebbles.

The next morning my brother and i woke up to our step mother shaking us, rushing us to get fire wood. We already knew what our parents had in mind for us. So we walk through the woods. I turned around once and saw Hansel slacking behind us. He was also throwing something on the ground. I squinted my eyes to see better, and saw he was throwing the little white pebbles.

Our parents left us in the woods with a little fire. We both toke a nap. When we woke up it was night and the moon was shining bright. I asked my brother,"What are we going to do brother?"

He said, " We're going to follow the shining pebbles home." I was rejoiced by the idea. I jumped up and eargerly followed my brother through the woods.

We finally reached the house in the early morning. When our step mom opened the door i got anger and made an evil face. I think she noticed because she made a face back. Then she said," Why did you horrrible kids stay out so long?" Then that night we heard our parents again. They want to do the same thing but put us farther in the forest. I didnt worry because i saw that my brother had another plan.

The next morning we wke up to our step mother shaking us and telling us to wake up. We got bread and we sarted to walk into the woods. We walked farther off into the forests. I turned toward my brother and saw that he was throwing little bread crumbs on the ground. I was happy. Then we stopped and made a fire once more. Our parents left and we went to sleep. When we woke again it was darkand the moon was shining another night. We tried to find the trail of crumbs but could not. We asumed the birds had eaten them all. But we walked and walked until we found a house. the house was made out of bread, cake and clear sugar for the windows. We started to eat. then a lil old lady came out she was quite ugly.

She told us to come in. She gave us food and a place to sleep. She was pretty nice. Then the next morning she woke me up. She told me to make food for my brother so he culd get fat and she shall eat him. I was devastated. I started to cry. Then she made me cook. She took the food to my brother. That whole week she made me cook for Hansel. But for what i seen Hansel wasnt getting any bigger. So she got angery and decided she was going to eat him anyway. She also tried to push me into the oven and cook me but i knew her plan and pushed her into the oven instead. She made a horrible scream.

I ran out to the shed and rescued Hansel. We cheered and merrily jumped around. Then we went into the house. We saw some precious jewels. We stuffed our pockets with jewels and peices of the house. Then walked all the way home.

When we got there our dad was covering a hole he had made. He said that our step mom had died. We were so overjoyed. we didnt have to worry about not having any food and not having to be put into the forest alone again.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

Sunday-Today something kept following me. I have never seen this animal or what not before. But it just would not stop following me. I turned around occasionally, just to see it run and hide. At first it was kind of strange. Then it just got plan annoying. I tried to look for a place to get away from it. I looked around and saw a tree. It was a fairly tall tree. I climbed up and sat there, watching the creature walk away disappointingly. I wonder what it wants.

Monday-even though i was annoyed from it following me i followed it today. It kinda has the form of a woman. So i shall call it a her. I hid in the trees to stay out of sight. So as i follow her, i see that she loves to stop and play with the flowers. She stops and touches, smells, holds, and talk to the flowers. She also calls all of them by a name. A name that i could never come up with. All of a sudden the sunlight shines upon her. As this happens she begins to glow. A glow i have never seen before. I didnt know what to call the feeling that came upon me. Then all of a sudden i said "love". I think im in love.

Thursday- This week we actually talked. I think thats what she said we did. She named alot of creatures and plants. I was amazed that she knew so many names for every thing we came across. She liked to talk too. we talked about the bugs in dirt to birds in the sky. But then we went to the forbiden tree. Eve picks one and throws it to me. i drop the fruit and tell her no. weare not allowed to eat these. But she takes a bite anyway. She says nothing happened and it would be ok. Even though i heard what the lord said i toke a bite anyway with her. Then a bright light appeared in front of us. Then we heard the voice of the lord. he was putting us out the garden of eden forever. I really regret eating the fruit.

Friday, May 1, 2009


One day there was a crow sitting on a branch. He had a cracker in his beak. He was getting ready to eat it when a cat came along. Mr.Cat asked ,"Mr.Crow, Why are you up there. I wont hurt you." The crow was silent, for he knew that if he talked he would lose his food. But All crows like to make noise. The cat knew this. So he ask," Where did you get that wonder cracker from?" The crow could not resist and said, "I got it from the sweet lady in the park, you should go see her." As he talked the cracker fell toward the cat. The cat opened his mouth and ate the cracker.

Dont talk with your mouth full.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcast Of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast death who/what would you blame it on?
-uncle billy
-citizens of poker flat
-bad luck

If i could blame someone for their deaths i would blame the outcasts themselves. I would blame them because they could have been safe in poker flat. If Mother Shipton and Duchess hadn't have been bad women then they wouldn't have been put out of poker flat. If Mr. Oakhurst hadn't been such a bad gambler then he wouldn't have been put out of poker flat. If Uncle Billy hadn't been such a drunk then he would be still in poker flat. Piney and tom are different. They didn't do anything wrong. They would have been safe if they would have agreed to keep going instead of camping out. So i think it's all the outcasts fault.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Desiree's baby
This story was very good. It had alot of detail about racism. They had slaves. Their owners sometimes abused them like the owner in this story. But in this story it kindaof says that love could change a person. It was very breif but it told you that love could change a person. But then back then race could also change a person. Back then african americans were property so if a white person had a child by a black person then that would be bad and the child will become a slave.

The Story of an Hour
This story was very dull to me. It didnt say much about freedom. She might have thought she was free, but does that really count as being free? The story just didnt really catch my attention. They say her husband dies. Then Mrs. Mallard goes to her room and thinks. She says that since her husband is dead, she is free. But after an hour of thinking she was free of her husband, he walks in the house as alive as could be. Then she dies because she was shocked to death.

The Blind Man
I liked this story alot. It told us about how people treat the disabled. It also told us about how people use the classes, between the rich and the poor. This blind poor guy is walking around trying to sell pencils. No body wnts the man around them. They ignore him and try to stay away. The children even are being mean to him. Just when you thought the police were good, The police in this story grabs this blind guy by the collar and jerks him around. Then this poor man walks across the street. But this rich man runs across the street and gets hit. Even though the blind man couldnt see if a car was coming he didnt get hit. The rich guy didnt even bother to look across the street even though god blessed him to see. When this guy got hit every one came to see what happened. But no one helped the blind man across the street, or help him to some shade, or told him to take his coat of because it was hot. I really like this story.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heideggers experiment

First as i noticed them change i was excited. Their faces stared to change. Their wrinkles started to fade away. Their faces started to light up as they got younger. As soon as they felt and noticed a change they asked for more and more. They got excited and jumped up and started to dance and drink at the same time.

They got younger and younger as they kept drinking. They were dancing all over the place. their clothes hung big off of all 4 of them as they pranced around. i sat in my chair and just watched to see if they would make the same mistakes. Sure enough, they start up. Widow Wycherley starts to flirt with the men and of course the men flirt back. Next thing you know the men are arguing and fighting over the lady.

I brake them up. They managed to knock down the vase filled with the magic water. As the water flows on the ground, the 4 young people start to change again. I had conducted my experiment and i found out that some people never change. My friends started to get wrinkly and dull looking. They got to their old age again. They haven't learned one thing from my experiment.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby the sequel

Even though he read this letter, he just couldn't believe what it contained. Armand rips up the letter and screams out a sharp yell. He starts to pas himself. He then sees Zandrine walk in the room.

"Is there a problem? Do you need anything monsieur?" she asked.

"No leave me be?" Armand says harshly.

He starts thinking about how this would effect his family name and his life. If the world were to find out he would become a slave and all his money and riches will be taken away from him. So he determined to just keep everything a secret.

Armand left his home and went to search for his old love, Desiree. He wanted to apologize to her. He would never tell her, he'll make her think she was still black.

When he reached the Valmonde residence, a slave opened the door. He goes into the corridor where Madame Valmonde was crying.

"What's the matter" he asked.

" My daughter. Shes gone." she sniffled.

"What do mean. Where is Desiree?"he questioned.

She handed him a letter. Desiree had written a letter saying that she ran away to get as far away from Armand as possible. She toke her child with her. She was going to start a new life somewhere else. She also wrote that she will try to find her family and she will never return. This was the second case of bad news today. He shuttered in his skin. He apologized to Madame Valmonde and left.

He made up his mind to find Desiree. He had no idea where she could have gone but he was going to try. But he has no idea what he's getting into.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter would make you much smarter would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not?

I would not get the surgery. Even though i would get really smart i would not get it. I would not get the surgery because i would never like to lose my intelligence when i got it. If i were to become a genius i would never want to lose it because i made an impression on people that I'm smart and when i turn dumb again people will probably laugh at me like they did with charlie.
In the story after he started to lose his intelligence he didn't want to be near people because he was afraid someone would laugh at him because he was losing his intelligence. In the book Charlie is sad that he cant remember anything or spell right or even understand who his real friends are. I don't want that to happen to me. There are also side affects that you don't want. In the story Charlie's side affect was that he would die because his intelligence is being lost so fast that his brain crashes. I would never want to be smart for a while and then find out that I'm going to die because of the surgery.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjiman Button Chapter 8-the end

Explain what this story says about these issues

In this story Benjiman's family was dysfunctional. This story says that family doesn't always help you and except you the way you are. Sometimes your family wants you be the way they want you to be. But you are different. The Button family wanted Benjiman to stop getting younger, but he couldn't, so his family didn't really except him.
In this story age is something people really pay attention to. If someone were to be born old people think your a freak and you would be embarrassing to be around. If you looked 15 and wanted to go to the war at this time you would be kicked to the curb and sent home. So age was really taken serious.
Beauty was something important too. Benjiman's dad died benjiman's hair, and put him in young people clothes when he looked 70 years old. Beauty was most likely a thing that showed in how much money you had or the clothes that you wear. Beauty was defined in how you look and if you were fancy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Benjiman Button Chapter 3-7

After reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjiman will encounter. Give your solution to each.

I think that Benjiman will cheat on his wife because he's not attracted to his wife. My solution would be to just have him divorce his wife and just be alone. He might also lose intelligence. My solution to this is to have my parents teach me things as i get younger. Another thing is that he will become a baby eventually and his parents will have to take care of him like a baby.There would be no solution to this problem but i would just treat him like a baby until he eventually died a baby.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjiman Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjiman looks and is so worried about what people will say. What should he do?

Roger really should treat his son like a son and not like his grandfater or like a monster. That's his son and you should love your son. But to tell you the truth i would most likely have been just like Roger and probably wont except him right away. But i will have to get used to my son being the way he is. That's your blood and you should treat him that way.

The Curious Case of Benjiman Button Chapter one

What would you have done if you were Roger Button?

Chapter one was reall good. It gives good detail to what Benjiman looked like and the reaction of his father when he first saw Benjiman. If i were Roger Button i would have been scared and then again kind of happy. I would have been scared because my son looked like he was 70 years old and he can talk. I would have been happy because i have a son that can talk and walk and do stuff that grown ups do. I dont have to worry about taking care of him because he's old enough to take care of himself. He would be unique. If someone thought they were better than me i could just say that i have a son that could talk and walk at only a couple hours. I would buy him a house and say he can take care of himself. He could get a job and pay rent and buy food for himself. But if he was having problems i would help.

Monday, April 13, 2009

First day at school poem

I wake and put on my best outfit.
I was in a rush and only ate a little bit.
So i grab my bag and head out the door.
I see my best friend wave hello.
We spot the bus and sigh
I say"It's another year at West High"
I am greeted By all my old friends.
There are some new kids but they don't talk much
When we get to school, there is no room to walk.
People are standing in the courtyard with their friends to talk.
You see people giving high fives
And just catching up with each other
As you past people, you hear people yelling and bullies stealing new peoples money
But no one can make this a bad day for me because it's sunny.
I get to class and sit in my seat.
In the back we have kids making beats
Our class smells like new eraser and pencils
And it's always filled with the sound of crumbling paper
My teacher walks in and gives us a quiz
She always annoyed me because it's like she wants us to be wiz kids
she says" You know the drill. time for a quiz.
And we all say " It's another year at West High"

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

That morning when i woke up, the sun was shining through my window. My room was filled with the smell of spring flowers and morning dew. Today was just like the rest of my boring life. I wake up to the roosters call. Then I get dressed in my overalls and t-shirt. I wake up my sister and brothers, get them to stop screaming and get dressed. Next i go downstairs and help my grandmother cook oatmeal and make some fresh bread.

" You need to wake up a little earlier so you can get your chores done on time young lady." Granny always says.

" I'll try Granny, I'll try." I say back. She always nags me about getting ma chores done on time, But i like to enjoy the time I'm out of the house where she can nag me and enjoy the outside town since there's nothing else to do around here. My brothers and sister jump around the breakfast table like their little monkeys. They're real rambunctious little kiddies. They love to play and run around. They seem like they never get tired. But when bed time rolls around all you have to do is give Lorilee her AnnaMay doll, give Jeffrey his blue truck, and give Nate his blanket. Since Nate is the youngest he chooses to near his blanket and not a toy like his siblings.

I went to the market. After the market i toke my horse Ginger out for a ride. I rode her for about an hour. Then i had to go in and help Granny prepare dinner. I forgot to take the reins and saddle off of Ginger. I went in and washed up and changed my clothes. I put on my yellow dress with a blue ribbon and an apron. When i go downstairs Granny was smoking and sewing. Tonight we are having baked chicken, bread, cheese, and homemade apple pie.

When dinner was ready Lorilee was the first to run in the house and wash up and change. Then Nate ,then Jeffrey. No one ever acts up at the dinner table because mother always taught us that dinner is a special meal and we should treat it that way. Now mother is gone( rest in peace) so we keep her in memory by making dinner a special meal. Granny and i made every ones plate. Jeffrey was the first to gorge down his food. The mailman came too. He came to dropp off a package. Then Ginger sticks her head into the doorway. I reach my hand out witha slice of bread. As i did this so did Lorilee. She stretched her arm out to as if it could reach the horse.

This was the life. It might seem boring at times, but with family it is great.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. I hate people that steal from me.
2. When people lie to me. (Your gonna get caught).
3. When someone chews loudly at the dinner table or when they eat.
4. People that think they are all that.
5. I hate scratching little bumpy surfaces .
6. When people chew gum loudly.
7. Dirty laundry on the floor.
8. when people talk and spit on you. that's soooooooooo gross!!!!!
9. Left over dirt in the sink.
10. When people fight over something minor or something that doesn't matter.
11. My family member tries to be smarter than someone else and then gets into a argument.
12. When someone thinks they are cute but they are really prissy and annoying.
13. When someone tries to wake me up early in the morning.
14. When people think their funny when they're not.
15. When there's no point to what someone is saying.
16. When people try to make me laugh or be happy when I'm mad( just let me be mad ill get over it)
17. When people annoy me on purpose(If you annoy me enough you will get hit)
18. When at McDonald's they give you a little bit of fries.
19. When people think they rich because they got a dollar.
20.When you go to a drive thru and the workers are taking their time.
21. When you get a hamburger back and it's all sloppy or looks like they were in a rush.
22. When people have more shoes than they need
23. When adults treat me like a little kid.
24. When people fight others because of race.
25. I hate when one of my aunts take me shopping and we stay all day long

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friends deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I really don't know if i should tell her parents or even the police. Its so horrible that this happens to her. She is always a happy and outgoing person. You would never tell that this goes on in her house.

She told me this terrible secret when we were in our little hide out in the back of my house. We were there eating finger sandwiches and trying to figure out our hard algebra. We were in the middle of question number 15 and she asked me a question.

" Can you keep a secret."

"Yeah. Why?"

" Because I have a deep dark secret that i have never ever told anyone."

" Cool. Are you going to tell me?"

"Yeah because your my best friend, but you cant tell anyone. You got it?"

" Okay I got it. Is it a really good secret or really creepy or what?"

" Well. Since my mom has gotten married to Jerri I've..I've.."

" Yeah you can tell me."

" I've been abused by my step dad."

" Are you serious?"

" You know when i don't come to school?"

"yeah. What happened?"

"Its because he hit me and i bruised so bad that my parents were afraid that he'd be caught and get in trouble. So they didn't let me go to school."

" Oh my god. And your mom doesn't do anything about it?"

" No because he supports our family with money. Shes afraid that if she leaves that we wont make it."

" You should tell children services or at least the council lady at school."

" No! If I or anyone tells then my family will become poor and we wont have enough money to take care of me and my 3 sisters. Then we'll have to go to foster homes and then they'll all blame it on me. It will be my fault."

" Well how can i help?"

" By not telling anyone and just being my best friend."

" Okay. I got your back." I did not know what to do after she told me her deep dark secret. It's so bad what she has to go through. IF i tell then she wont have to go through it anymore. But if i do then she probably wont want to be my friend and she and her sisters might be put in foster care. I don't want that to be on my conscious. Wait a minute. What worse to have on your conscious, you not telling anyone that your best friends being abused, or telling and putting your friend in a foster home? Oh i don't know what to do. Maybe I'll ask my mom for advice. But not tell her who it is I'm talking about. So after Beth left, I went in for the day. Mom was sitting at the table feeding my baby brother Nathan. So i wander around her for a while until finally she asked what did i need. I told her," Well what if i knew someone that was having problems at school?''
" What kind of problems?" mom says.

" Oh just the fact that their parents abuse them. And they told me to keep it a secret . What should i do?"

" Why is one of your friends parents abusing them?"

" No no no no. just asking a, what if."

" I don't really know. But if they were my best friend then i would tell someone that I trust that could help stop the situation. And if my friend got mad and didn't want to be friends then they weren't a good friend because they should know that I was only trying to stop the abusive situation."

" Okay thanks mom" What mom said was inspiring. But i still don't think i should tell. Ill make my mind up tomorrow. I went to bed thinking about what if i were in her position. The next day i see Beth in the hall ways t school. She asked if i told anyone and i said of course not. Se looked a little tired today. I didn't ask why because i didn't really want to be all in her business. Especially after she told me her secret. So we go through school fast. When i got home i went in my hide out in the back of the yard and thought. I sat there for almost an hour and a half. After that long period to think i made up my mind to not tell anyone until she was ready to. The next day i ask about what she wants to do about the situation. She told me that she will never tell. So then i said," If you don't tell then i will because i don't want you to get hurt."

" If you tell then all those bad things will happen to my family."

" Do you know what can happen to you? He's a grown man Beating you. If he was mad enough he could kill you. Do you want that?" Then she started crying.

" No but i don't want my family to be apart. But i don't want to be beaten anymore. But i don't know what to do."

"we're going o the children services."

" Okay."

We go to the children services about 5 blocks down. We tell them

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and i was assigned to the case. We found her near a local pool. It seems like she committed suicide. It looks like she drowned herself. When you're a crime scene investigator you can never assume anything. The pool monitor found her in the pool as he was coming in for work. He says she was just floating in the pool at around 11 when he was coming in. He had thought she could still be alive so he pulled her out of the water. But when he felt her cold damp body, he knew she was already gone. That's when he called the police. We investigate the crime scene. We toke pictures for evidence. My partner Detective Jamerson and i looked around the pool area and inside where the pool monitor and staff worked. Nothing suspicious was found until I heard Detective Stan yell

" I think i found something over here." Jamerson and I walked over there. When I looked down there was a small revolver lying on the ground next to the garbage bags.

"This is evidence. We gotta bag it." said Jamerson. After 7 hours on the scene, we found a revolver, hair sample, and a shoe print. I take it back to the lab to test my findings. But before I did that I went to see Dr. Briggs in the morgue room. He was just closing up the body.

"So what did you find? Anything interesting or something i need to know?" I said.

" You ask too many questions." said Briggs in a raspy voice.

" Yeah well i am a crime scene investigator." I said sarcastically.

" Really?" he laughs." We identified her as Georgia Peach. I did find bullet wounds in her left arm and near her rib cage. I have proof that she was straggled or forced under the water."

" Well that explains a lot. We found a revolver at the local pool area. Are these the bullets?"

"Yeah. You can take them."

" Okay I'll go run some test on them."

That's when our first suspect was escorted into the conference room. He looked like he was in his mid 20's. I toke the papers from Detective Becera. The suspects name is Greg Lamano. He's 23 and he has dark brown hair and kind of long face. I went into the conference room to talk.
" What did i do?" he said.
"I don't know, what did you do?" i said. " Did you know this woman?"He looked at the picture of Georgia.

" No never seen her before." he says.

"The weapon belongs to you and it's under your name.

" It wasn't me." he says in a smart tone.

" Then why does the murder weapon point to you. You own the weapon that killed this woman."

" So it wasn't me. I didn't even know this lady."

"Okay I'm done." Then i left the room. I went home that night thinking about if i want to do this all my life. Do I want to be a detective all my life? I've never done anything but detective work all my life. When i was kid i always looked at places like they were a crime scene. When there was a problem i was always the one to solve it. I think I'm getting tired of detective work. But I'll think about that tomorrow.
When i went to work the next day, at around 1:00, my coworkers had already found our 2 more suspect. Their names were Dominic Jerasee, and Theo Harper. Dominic was a tall ca cation guy with a messed up hair do. Theo was a short round fat guy. When Jamerson talked to them he only found out that they say they knew her from someone else. They say that her friends introduced them to her but they did not kill her. Detective Stan toke the shoe prints from both suspects. We found a shoe print at the pool so we have to check them. We looked them both up in the systems and found out that they did know Georgia. Dominic and Theo worked for Georgia. Later the suspects were released after questioning. Then at around 5:00 we had a story. Someone came in and said they saw what happened. The old woman was someone that lived in the community near the pool for 16 years. She had salt and pepper colored hair. She was wrinkly but soft at the touch. She seemed like a sweet old lady. When we talked and questioned her she answered quiet honestly to me. She says
" Well i was closing my window for the night and i saw two guys. One was tall and the other was really round.Like a balloon i say. They were standing over someone on the pool edge. The person was very limp. Then they lowered the person into the water and held them there for over 6 minutes. I knew what they did. They drowned somebody in that pool. Someone else had came in and when he saw the other two guys he ran off.That's when i called the cops, But they said they'd see about it in the morning. Then i told them that it would be too late in the morning but they didn't listen."
After that confession I thought I knew the killers of Georgia Peach. It had to be Dominic and Theo. They fit the descriptions. So I had Stan bring them in for more questioning and maybe a confession from them. I go in for the confession. But they tell the same story they already told us before. I was just about to get Theo to brake but all of a sudden Jamerson comes in and and calls me out. I asked what was the matter and he tells me that the foot print belonged to Dominic. That meant he was there at the crime. But now all we got to find out is who the two killers were and who walked in on the two. This case was getting easier and easier. Now i need to go back to the scene. I go back the next day to see that its the same as when we left it. What i find helps me find the killers. There was blood on the edge of he pool. I get a sample. When i go to the lab i found out that the blood was Theo's. I get Theo alone in the conference room. I looked at his arm and see a cut where the blood must have come from. I ask "Theo where did you get that cut from?" He hesitates and covers it up.

" From work."

" Really. Business me shouldn't get cut like that at an office."

" Its a really bad paper cut."

" Where were you Monday night?"

" I was at home watching movies."

" On a work day?''

" Yeah"

" If you were at home then why did we find your blood at the crime scene"

" I don't know?"

" We have your wife here and we asked her where you were that night and she says you weren't home. Why is that?"

He didn't answer at first but then he spoke. "Cause i came in late. "

" No i think you were at the scene. You were holding her down in the water.You and Dominic killed Georgia."

" No Dominic wasnt even there."

" What are you talkin about?"

" Yeah i helped kill Goergia but i was forced to.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

what would make logandale better

Logandale is losing students every year. Something that could change this is by
having a better disciplinary system. You should because students get detentions
almost everyday. Parents don’t like a school that has bad students. Students will do
better and get better grades. So we need a better discipline system

Logandale should get a better system because students think they can get away with anything. If this happens the students will misbehave all the time. The Parents
will look at this and say they don’t want their children in this environment.
Students will not listen and will do what they want. This will not do.

Parents don’t like to send their students to school with bad students. Students
here curse, hit on each other, and a lot of students just do what they want. If
parents were to see this they would not want their students going here. When I first walked in the door I heard students cursing and I saw students playing
around. This was the closest school so I had to go here. But when I started to
know the students here I liked the school. But first impressions do matter.

If we had a better system the students would most likely do better in school
and get better grades. If students weren’t busy with getting detention they would
be more interested in the work. Students here get detention all the time. So they
probably don’t do their school work. They are more interested in being bad and
getting detentions so they don’t remember to do their work like their supposed to.
So we need to stop the bad behavior in the school.

This is why we need to have a better disciplinary system at Logandale. If we
have a better system then the students will not do what ever they want. Parents
will not turn away their children from this school because they see the students the
students being behaved. Students will be better in school and get better grades.
Lastly, people would want to come here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

lucky's life story.

When lucky was born i thought she looked like my great grandma Betty at first. She was a little 3lb pemature baby girl. We named her after my street nickname Lucky. She was in the hospital for . When she came out of the hospital i was proudly walking in san deigo, california with my first child. She had alot of clothes and stuff. I was getting a little jealous because of the things she had. When she was 1 years old her older brothers started their riots. They do anything to get attention. Her oldest brother Tony would leave her in the room by herself and just let her cry. Sometimes he'd close the door so no one would hear her. I never liked Tony he was always a mamas boy and a cry baby.Then there was Dominique. He was a really bad kid. He would try to get Lucky in trouble all the time. When Lucky was 2, he ate a whole container of strawberries. He gave some to Lucky but he knew he wasnt supossed to eat them, so he wiped the smered strawberries all down her shirt and left her in front of the refridgerater with it open. A few minutes later i came in and she was still sitting there with strawberries all over her. I knew Dominique did it 'cause Tony doesnt eat srawberries and Lucky doesnt no how to open the fridge yet. Then at night they'd try to push her away from her moms side. Tony was afraid of rabbits when he was little. So dominique used to pick up rabbits around the house and put them on Tony just to scare him. It was kinda funny how they would try to get her in trouble and get attention. Then later when she started talking i had to go to prison. While i was there i thought about Lucky everyday and night. Later when i was locked up i found out from lucky's mom that she was pregnant again with my son. I was so happy. Icouldnt wait to get out. After a while I lost contact with them. When i got out i went to cincinnati, Ohio where i was born and where all my family lived. But while i was in Cincinnati, Lucky, her mom and brothers moved to south carolinia with her mom's mom. Carol never liked me so we alwayed kept our distance. But in south Carolinia Lucky started kindergarden. Her and her brothers went to the same school. She was a normal child, she went to school and learned her abc's , she learned t tie her shoes, and read, and write. At her house she had 2 dogs, one was hers, and a cat. Lucky, tony, marciel,and Dominique were fasinated with animals. But Dominique was more curiuos than the other two. He started killing animals after a while. Then a really horrible thing happened. Lucky's mom could not take the presure of having 4 chidren and having another on the way, so she put Lucky, Dominique, Tony, and Marciel in a foster home. Lucky was 4 and Marciel was 3 years old when this happened. Lucky and Marciel went to a home and Dominique and Tony went to another. They had a counsiler that toke them to see their brothers. After 2 years Dominique was not so bad. He stopped killing animals and getting in trouble. When Lucky was 5 i came to take her home. she couldnt stay until i went to court to get custody. So she went back. Then we found out that the old lady she was staying with was friends with the famous comedian Chris Rock's mother. Lucky and my son meet Chris Rock the christmas of 2000. Then in 2001 i got custody of her and her brother. now they live with me. i will give everything for them.

Friday, February 27, 2009

i wish obama

I wish President Obama to preserve women’s rights to reproductive choice.
If the government tells us that we have no choice in having abortions then mothers will have children they don’t want.There will be a lot of unwanted children in foster homes and adoption centers.There will be more needs like more food and more money to take care of the children that are in foster homes and adoption centers.

If the government tells us that we have no choice in having abortions then there will be lots of mothers having children they don’t want. If that happens and the parent has to take care of the child what will happen to that child? The child might be in a dangerous position. Some parents that don’t want children might not take care of the child the right way. The reason the parent didn’t want kids might be because they don’t have a lot of money, and that child will have to go through a difficult life. Sometimes that child might go hungry because the parent doesn’t have enough money to buy groceries.

There will be a lot of children in foster homes and adoption centers. When the mother of the child doesn’t want them she might put them up for adoption or put them in a foster home. If the government take women’s right away then there will be a lot of children that will be in these centers. Then the government would have to build more foster homes and adoption centers because there will an overlaod of children in the homes. The government will need money to build these adoption centers. Would you have this to never happen by letting the mom have an abortion or have the government spend money on this and not something important?

If there was an overlaod of children then the foster homes and adoption centers would need more food and and money to take care of the unwanted children. The government would have to sponsor them to keep the centers in business. If there were not enough centers then there will be children on the streets.

President Obama should preserve womens right to reproductive choice. The government might take that away and mothers will have children they don’t want. If they take the chioce away there will be a lot of children in adoption centers. The adoption centers will need food money and clothes for the children.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

life changing event

My life changing event is when every goldfish that we got died. We bought at least 6 fish. They all ended u dying.What happened?

The first time we got a fish was when my cousin brought one home from school. His teacher gave the students one because they were learning about the sea. It was a fat goldfish. My cousin named him Guppy. We got a new tank with a filter and everything. We were expecting to get more fish. We fed him everyday.

My cousins were so fasinated with the fish, as you no i wasnt. They also wanted to see the fish squirm, so they would take the fish net and pick the fish up from the water. They would crack up laughing . I think the reason why he died was because my cousins kept taking the fish out of the water to see it squirm.

The second fish we got was when i made a project in school. I think I was 9. We were making an aqarium with pop bottles. It was cool at the time. but i toke it home and put it on the table. everyone was interested in the fish once again. we didnt name it. but this time people would sqeeze the bottle and watch the fish try to swim. they thought it was hilarious. the reason this one died was because too any people were squeezing the bottle.

the third fish we got was at a carnival. we had to throw a ball in a fish bowl and if two went in the same one then you get the fish. My cousins and brothers won a fish also. so we brought home 4 fish. we already had the food and tank from the last fish. my cousins weren't so interested this time. but we fed all the fish everyday like we always did. it was like a week after we got them 2 of them died. one died because it was overfed. the other one died because it jumped out of the tank and onto the table.

My grandma was so pissed because almost all the fish we got died. The last two fish we gave to our friend next door. the loved it. the last two fish acually survived more than two months. so my life changing experience is that my family is not allowed to get a fish because they always die.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents Are The Best Teachers

Parents are the best teachers. They teach their children everything. Parents teach you to talk and walk when your a baby. Your parents can teach you how to do homework if you don't understand. Your parents are good teachers.

When your a baby your parents teach you how to walk and talk. When you're a baby your parents repeat the same words in a soft tone so that you can understand. By repeating the same words over and over you start to repeat them too. You also learn how to walk. Your parents might hold your hands and use encouraging words to help you. Over time you get up on your own and walk by yourself. Your parents taught you how to walk.then you start growing an getting older.

As you get older you are able to do things by yourself. You also get responsibilities. Your parents teach you responsibility by showing you things you have to do. When you are about 10 years old you might have to take out the trash. They say that's your responsibility. But in order for you to know how to take out he trash your parents show you how. Oer time you can understand how to do it yourself. Some times kids get cur fuse, meaning having to go in at a certain time. If your parents always come in at the same time then they are showing you responsibility. So now when you get a curfew you know how it's done and when to come in.Then it comes to schoolwork.

Sometimes children don't understand the work they get at school. When teachers give children work they explain how to do the work. But sometimes children don't undestand how to do the work the way the teachers explain it or understands little of the work. So the child goes home and still doesnt understand the work. But then their mom comes in the room and sees her child struggling with homework. Next she sits down and helps them. She teaches him how to do the work and get the correct answer. Maybe sometimes mom doesn't know the answer but you can always ask dad. So your parents taught you how to do your homework.

Parents are the best teachers fot a child. They teach you to walk and talk when you were a baby. Your parents teach you how to be responsible as you grow older. They teach you how to do your homework when you need help. You copy your parent. So what you see you are most likely to imitate. These are my reasons why I say parents are the best teachers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A important skill you need to have is how to speak properly. You can be really successful if you know how to speak properly.There are alot of nice jobs that hire people that know how to speak properly. People will understand you if you are able to speak properly. You will be able to find dates if you are able to speak proper english.

In order for people understand you, you have to speak properly. For example, if you go to a restaurant and you want to order something you have to be able to speak properly. If you want to order a burger then you can say '' Can I have a burger?'' . This is proper english. You can get what you ordered because the cashier can understand what you said.

You can also get a good job because you can speak properly. You can apply for office jobs, phone jobs, and government officals job.If you can make good speechs as well as talk properly then you can probably get a government officals job. That pays alot of money. But if your not into money then you can get a job where you can talk to people on the phone.

You will get dates too. If you are a man, woman like a man that knows how to talk properly. If you are a woman, men will fall for you if you know how to speak properly and not in slang. You might find someone special.

You will be very successful in life.If you know how to talk properly you will be understood better. You will get a good job. You will also get girlfriends and boyfriends. If you are able to talk properly, you will be successful.