Wednesday, March 18, 2009

what would make logandale better

Logandale is losing students every year. Something that could change this is by
having a better disciplinary system. You should because students get detentions
almost everyday. Parents don’t like a school that has bad students. Students will do
better and get better grades. So we need a better discipline system

Logandale should get a better system because students think they can get away with anything. If this happens the students will misbehave all the time. The Parents
will look at this and say they don’t want their children in this environment.
Students will not listen and will do what they want. This will not do.

Parents don’t like to send their students to school with bad students. Students
here curse, hit on each other, and a lot of students just do what they want. If
parents were to see this they would not want their students going here. When I first walked in the door I heard students cursing and I saw students playing
around. This was the closest school so I had to go here. But when I started to
know the students here I liked the school. But first impressions do matter.

If we had a better system the students would most likely do better in school
and get better grades. If students weren’t busy with getting detention they would
be more interested in the work. Students here get detention all the time. So they
probably don’t do their school work. They are more interested in being bad and
getting detentions so they don’t remember to do their work like their supposed to.
So we need to stop the bad behavior in the school.

This is why we need to have a better disciplinary system at Logandale. If we
have a better system then the students will not do what ever they want. Parents
will not turn away their children from this school because they see the students the
students being behaved. Students will be better in school and get better grades.
Lastly, people would want to come here.

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