Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and i was assigned to the case. We found her near a local pool. It seems like she committed suicide. It looks like she drowned herself. When you're a crime scene investigator you can never assume anything. The pool monitor found her in the pool as he was coming in for work. He says she was just floating in the pool at around 11 when he was coming in. He had thought she could still be alive so he pulled her out of the water. But when he felt her cold damp body, he knew she was already gone. That's when he called the police. We investigate the crime scene. We toke pictures for evidence. My partner Detective Jamerson and i looked around the pool area and inside where the pool monitor and staff worked. Nothing suspicious was found until I heard Detective Stan yell

" I think i found something over here." Jamerson and I walked over there. When I looked down there was a small revolver lying on the ground next to the garbage bags.

"This is evidence. We gotta bag it." said Jamerson. After 7 hours on the scene, we found a revolver, hair sample, and a shoe print. I take it back to the lab to test my findings. But before I did that I went to see Dr. Briggs in the morgue room. He was just closing up the body.

"So what did you find? Anything interesting or something i need to know?" I said.

" You ask too many questions." said Briggs in a raspy voice.

" Yeah well i am a crime scene investigator." I said sarcastically.

" Really?" he laughs." We identified her as Georgia Peach. I did find bullet wounds in her left arm and near her rib cage. I have proof that she was straggled or forced under the water."

" Well that explains a lot. We found a revolver at the local pool area. Are these the bullets?"

"Yeah. You can take them."

" Okay I'll go run some test on them."

That's when our first suspect was escorted into the conference room. He looked like he was in his mid 20's. I toke the papers from Detective Becera. The suspects name is Greg Lamano. He's 23 and he has dark brown hair and kind of long face. I went into the conference room to talk.
" What did i do?" he said.
"I don't know, what did you do?" i said. " Did you know this woman?"He looked at the picture of Georgia.

" No never seen her before." he says.

"The weapon belongs to you and it's under your name.

" It wasn't me." he says in a smart tone.

" Then why does the murder weapon point to you. You own the weapon that killed this woman."

" So it wasn't me. I didn't even know this lady."

"Okay I'm done." Then i left the room. I went home that night thinking about if i want to do this all my life. Do I want to be a detective all my life? I've never done anything but detective work all my life. When i was kid i always looked at places like they were a crime scene. When there was a problem i was always the one to solve it. I think I'm getting tired of detective work. But I'll think about that tomorrow.
When i went to work the next day, at around 1:00, my coworkers had already found our 2 more suspect. Their names were Dominic Jerasee, and Theo Harper. Dominic was a tall ca cation guy with a messed up hair do. Theo was a short round fat guy. When Jamerson talked to them he only found out that they say they knew her from someone else. They say that her friends introduced them to her but they did not kill her. Detective Stan toke the shoe prints from both suspects. We found a shoe print at the pool so we have to check them. We looked them both up in the systems and found out that they did know Georgia. Dominic and Theo worked for Georgia. Later the suspects were released after questioning. Then at around 5:00 we had a story. Someone came in and said they saw what happened. The old woman was someone that lived in the community near the pool for 16 years. She had salt and pepper colored hair. She was wrinkly but soft at the touch. She seemed like a sweet old lady. When we talked and questioned her she answered quiet honestly to me. She says
" Well i was closing my window for the night and i saw two guys. One was tall and the other was really round.Like a balloon i say. They were standing over someone on the pool edge. The person was very limp. Then they lowered the person into the water and held them there for over 6 minutes. I knew what they did. They drowned somebody in that pool. Someone else had came in and when he saw the other two guys he ran off.That's when i called the cops, But they said they'd see about it in the morning. Then i told them that it would be too late in the morning but they didn't listen."
After that confession I thought I knew the killers of Georgia Peach. It had to be Dominic and Theo. They fit the descriptions. So I had Stan bring them in for more questioning and maybe a confession from them. I go in for the confession. But they tell the same story they already told us before. I was just about to get Theo to brake but all of a sudden Jamerson comes in and and calls me out. I asked what was the matter and he tells me that the foot print belonged to Dominic. That meant he was there at the crime. But now all we got to find out is who the two killers were and who walked in on the two. This case was getting easier and easier. Now i need to go back to the scene. I go back the next day to see that its the same as when we left it. What i find helps me find the killers. There was blood on the edge of he pool. I get a sample. When i go to the lab i found out that the blood was Theo's. I get Theo alone in the conference room. I looked at his arm and see a cut where the blood must have come from. I ask "Theo where did you get that cut from?" He hesitates and covers it up.

" From work."

" Really. Business me shouldn't get cut like that at an office."

" Its a really bad paper cut."

" Where were you Monday night?"

" I was at home watching movies."

" On a work day?''

" Yeah"

" If you were at home then why did we find your blood at the crime scene"

" I don't know?"

" We have your wife here and we asked her where you were that night and she says you weren't home. Why is that?"

He didn't answer at first but then he spoke. "Cause i came in late. "

" No i think you were at the scene. You were holding her down in the water.You and Dominic killed Georgia."

" No Dominic wasnt even there."

" What are you talkin about?"

" Yeah i helped kill Goergia but i was forced to.

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