Thursday, February 26, 2009

life changing event

My life changing event is when every goldfish that we got died. We bought at least 6 fish. They all ended u dying.What happened?

The first time we got a fish was when my cousin brought one home from school. His teacher gave the students one because they were learning about the sea. It was a fat goldfish. My cousin named him Guppy. We got a new tank with a filter and everything. We were expecting to get more fish. We fed him everyday.

My cousins were so fasinated with the fish, as you no i wasnt. They also wanted to see the fish squirm, so they would take the fish net and pick the fish up from the water. They would crack up laughing . I think the reason why he died was because my cousins kept taking the fish out of the water to see it squirm.

The second fish we got was when i made a project in school. I think I was 9. We were making an aqarium with pop bottles. It was cool at the time. but i toke it home and put it on the table. everyone was interested in the fish once again. we didnt name it. but this time people would sqeeze the bottle and watch the fish try to swim. they thought it was hilarious. the reason this one died was because too any people were squeezing the bottle.

the third fish we got was at a carnival. we had to throw a ball in a fish bowl and if two went in the same one then you get the fish. My cousins and brothers won a fish also. so we brought home 4 fish. we already had the food and tank from the last fish. my cousins weren't so interested this time. but we fed all the fish everyday like we always did. it was like a week after we got them 2 of them died. one died because it was overfed. the other one died because it jumped out of the tank and onto the table.

My grandma was so pissed because almost all the fish we got died. The last two fish we gave to our friend next door. the loved it. the last two fish acually survived more than two months. so my life changing experience is that my family is not allowed to get a fish because they always die.

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