Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents Are The Best Teachers

Parents are the best teachers. They teach their children everything. Parents teach you to talk and walk when your a baby. Your parents can teach you how to do homework if you don't understand. Your parents are good teachers.

When your a baby your parents teach you how to walk and talk. When you're a baby your parents repeat the same words in a soft tone so that you can understand. By repeating the same words over and over you start to repeat them too. You also learn how to walk. Your parents might hold your hands and use encouraging words to help you. Over time you get up on your own and walk by yourself. Your parents taught you how to walk.then you start growing an getting older.

As you get older you are able to do things by yourself. You also get responsibilities. Your parents teach you responsibility by showing you things you have to do. When you are about 10 years old you might have to take out the trash. They say that's your responsibility. But in order for you to know how to take out he trash your parents show you how. Oer time you can understand how to do it yourself. Some times kids get cur fuse, meaning having to go in at a certain time. If your parents always come in at the same time then they are showing you responsibility. So now when you get a curfew you know how it's done and when to come in.Then it comes to schoolwork.

Sometimes children don't understand the work they get at school. When teachers give children work they explain how to do the work. But sometimes children don't undestand how to do the work the way the teachers explain it or understands little of the work. So the child goes home and still doesnt understand the work. But then their mom comes in the room and sees her child struggling with homework. Next she sits down and helps them. She teaches him how to do the work and get the correct answer. Maybe sometimes mom doesn't know the answer but you can always ask dad. So your parents taught you how to do your homework.

Parents are the best teachers fot a child. They teach you to walk and talk when you were a baby. Your parents teach you how to be responsible as you grow older. They teach you how to do your homework when you need help. You copy your parent. So what you see you are most likely to imitate. These are my reasons why I say parents are the best teachers.

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