Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcast Of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast death who/what would you blame it on?
-uncle billy
-citizens of poker flat
-bad luck

If i could blame someone for their deaths i would blame the outcasts themselves. I would blame them because they could have been safe in poker flat. If Mother Shipton and Duchess hadn't have been bad women then they wouldn't have been put out of poker flat. If Mr. Oakhurst hadn't been such a bad gambler then he wouldn't have been put out of poker flat. If Uncle Billy hadn't been such a drunk then he would be still in poker flat. Piney and tom are different. They didn't do anything wrong. They would have been safe if they would have agreed to keep going instead of camping out. So i think it's all the outcasts fault.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Desiree's baby
This story was very good. It had alot of detail about racism. They had slaves. Their owners sometimes abused them like the owner in this story. But in this story it kindaof says that love could change a person. It was very breif but it told you that love could change a person. But then back then race could also change a person. Back then african americans were property so if a white person had a child by a black person then that would be bad and the child will become a slave.

The Story of an Hour
This story was very dull to me. It didnt say much about freedom. She might have thought she was free, but does that really count as being free? The story just didnt really catch my attention. They say her husband dies. Then Mrs. Mallard goes to her room and thinks. She says that since her husband is dead, she is free. But after an hour of thinking she was free of her husband, he walks in the house as alive as could be. Then she dies because she was shocked to death.

The Blind Man
I liked this story alot. It told us about how people treat the disabled. It also told us about how people use the classes, between the rich and the poor. This blind poor guy is walking around trying to sell pencils. No body wnts the man around them. They ignore him and try to stay away. The children even are being mean to him. Just when you thought the police were good, The police in this story grabs this blind guy by the collar and jerks him around. Then this poor man walks across the street. But this rich man runs across the street and gets hit. Even though the blind man couldnt see if a car was coming he didnt get hit. The rich guy didnt even bother to look across the street even though god blessed him to see. When this guy got hit every one came to see what happened. But no one helped the blind man across the street, or help him to some shade, or told him to take his coat of because it was hot. I really like this story.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heideggers experiment

First as i noticed them change i was excited. Their faces stared to change. Their wrinkles started to fade away. Their faces started to light up as they got younger. As soon as they felt and noticed a change they asked for more and more. They got excited and jumped up and started to dance and drink at the same time.

They got younger and younger as they kept drinking. They were dancing all over the place. their clothes hung big off of all 4 of them as they pranced around. i sat in my chair and just watched to see if they would make the same mistakes. Sure enough, they start up. Widow Wycherley starts to flirt with the men and of course the men flirt back. Next thing you know the men are arguing and fighting over the lady.

I brake them up. They managed to knock down the vase filled with the magic water. As the water flows on the ground, the 4 young people start to change again. I had conducted my experiment and i found out that some people never change. My friends started to get wrinkly and dull looking. They got to their old age again. They haven't learned one thing from my experiment.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby the sequel

Even though he read this letter, he just couldn't believe what it contained. Armand rips up the letter and screams out a sharp yell. He starts to pas himself. He then sees Zandrine walk in the room.

"Is there a problem? Do you need anything monsieur?" she asked.

"No leave me be?" Armand says harshly.

He starts thinking about how this would effect his family name and his life. If the world were to find out he would become a slave and all his money and riches will be taken away from him. So he determined to just keep everything a secret.

Armand left his home and went to search for his old love, Desiree. He wanted to apologize to her. He would never tell her, he'll make her think she was still black.

When he reached the Valmonde residence, a slave opened the door. He goes into the corridor where Madame Valmonde was crying.

"What's the matter" he asked.

" My daughter. Shes gone." she sniffled.

"What do mean. Where is Desiree?"he questioned.

She handed him a letter. Desiree had written a letter saying that she ran away to get as far away from Armand as possible. She toke her child with her. She was going to start a new life somewhere else. She also wrote that she will try to find her family and she will never return. This was the second case of bad news today. He shuttered in his skin. He apologized to Madame Valmonde and left.

He made up his mind to find Desiree. He had no idea where she could have gone but he was going to try. But he has no idea what he's getting into.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter would make you much smarter would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not?

I would not get the surgery. Even though i would get really smart i would not get it. I would not get the surgery because i would never like to lose my intelligence when i got it. If i were to become a genius i would never want to lose it because i made an impression on people that I'm smart and when i turn dumb again people will probably laugh at me like they did with charlie.
In the story after he started to lose his intelligence he didn't want to be near people because he was afraid someone would laugh at him because he was losing his intelligence. In the book Charlie is sad that he cant remember anything or spell right or even understand who his real friends are. I don't want that to happen to me. There are also side affects that you don't want. In the story Charlie's side affect was that he would die because his intelligence is being lost so fast that his brain crashes. I would never want to be smart for a while and then find out that I'm going to die because of the surgery.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjiman Button Chapter 8-the end

Explain what this story says about these issues

In this story Benjiman's family was dysfunctional. This story says that family doesn't always help you and except you the way you are. Sometimes your family wants you be the way they want you to be. But you are different. The Button family wanted Benjiman to stop getting younger, but he couldn't, so his family didn't really except him.
In this story age is something people really pay attention to. If someone were to be born old people think your a freak and you would be embarrassing to be around. If you looked 15 and wanted to go to the war at this time you would be kicked to the curb and sent home. So age was really taken serious.
Beauty was something important too. Benjiman's dad died benjiman's hair, and put him in young people clothes when he looked 70 years old. Beauty was most likely a thing that showed in how much money you had or the clothes that you wear. Beauty was defined in how you look and if you were fancy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Benjiman Button Chapter 3-7

After reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjiman will encounter. Give your solution to each.

I think that Benjiman will cheat on his wife because he's not attracted to his wife. My solution would be to just have him divorce his wife and just be alone. He might also lose intelligence. My solution to this is to have my parents teach me things as i get younger. Another thing is that he will become a baby eventually and his parents will have to take care of him like a baby.There would be no solution to this problem but i would just treat him like a baby until he eventually died a baby.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjiman Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjiman looks and is so worried about what people will say. What should he do?

Roger really should treat his son like a son and not like his grandfater or like a monster. That's his son and you should love your son. But to tell you the truth i would most likely have been just like Roger and probably wont except him right away. But i will have to get used to my son being the way he is. That's your blood and you should treat him that way.

The Curious Case of Benjiman Button Chapter one

What would you have done if you were Roger Button?

Chapter one was reall good. It gives good detail to what Benjiman looked like and the reaction of his father when he first saw Benjiman. If i were Roger Button i would have been scared and then again kind of happy. I would have been scared because my son looked like he was 70 years old and he can talk. I would have been happy because i have a son that can talk and walk and do stuff that grown ups do. I dont have to worry about taking care of him because he's old enough to take care of himself. He would be unique. If someone thought they were better than me i could just say that i have a son that could talk and walk at only a couple hours. I would buy him a house and say he can take care of himself. He could get a job and pay rent and buy food for himself. But if he was having problems i would help.

Monday, April 13, 2009

First day at school poem

I wake and put on my best outfit.
I was in a rush and only ate a little bit.
So i grab my bag and head out the door.
I see my best friend wave hello.
We spot the bus and sigh
I say"It's another year at West High"
I am greeted By all my old friends.
There are some new kids but they don't talk much
When we get to school, there is no room to walk.
People are standing in the courtyard with their friends to talk.
You see people giving high fives
And just catching up with each other
As you past people, you hear people yelling and bullies stealing new peoples money
But no one can make this a bad day for me because it's sunny.
I get to class and sit in my seat.
In the back we have kids making beats
Our class smells like new eraser and pencils
And it's always filled with the sound of crumbling paper
My teacher walks in and gives us a quiz
She always annoyed me because it's like she wants us to be wiz kids
she says" You know the drill. time for a quiz.
And we all say " It's another year at West High"