Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

That morning when i woke up, the sun was shining through my window. My room was filled with the smell of spring flowers and morning dew. Today was just like the rest of my boring life. I wake up to the roosters call. Then I get dressed in my overalls and t-shirt. I wake up my sister and brothers, get them to stop screaming and get dressed. Next i go downstairs and help my grandmother cook oatmeal and make some fresh bread.

" You need to wake up a little earlier so you can get your chores done on time young lady." Granny always says.

" I'll try Granny, I'll try." I say back. She always nags me about getting ma chores done on time, But i like to enjoy the time I'm out of the house where she can nag me and enjoy the outside town since there's nothing else to do around here. My brothers and sister jump around the breakfast table like their little monkeys. They're real rambunctious little kiddies. They love to play and run around. They seem like they never get tired. But when bed time rolls around all you have to do is give Lorilee her AnnaMay doll, give Jeffrey his blue truck, and give Nate his blanket. Since Nate is the youngest he chooses to near his blanket and not a toy like his siblings.

I went to the market. After the market i toke my horse Ginger out for a ride. I rode her for about an hour. Then i had to go in and help Granny prepare dinner. I forgot to take the reins and saddle off of Ginger. I went in and washed up and changed my clothes. I put on my yellow dress with a blue ribbon and an apron. When i go downstairs Granny was smoking and sewing. Tonight we are having baked chicken, bread, cheese, and homemade apple pie.

When dinner was ready Lorilee was the first to run in the house and wash up and change. Then Nate ,then Jeffrey. No one ever acts up at the dinner table because mother always taught us that dinner is a special meal and we should treat it that way. Now mother is gone( rest in peace) so we keep her in memory by making dinner a special meal. Granny and i made every ones plate. Jeffrey was the first to gorge down his food. The mailman came too. He came to dropp off a package. Then Ginger sticks her head into the doorway. I reach my hand out witha slice of bread. As i did this so did Lorilee. She stretched her arm out to as if it could reach the horse.

This was the life. It might seem boring at times, but with family it is great.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. I hate people that steal from me.
2. When people lie to me. (Your gonna get caught).
3. When someone chews loudly at the dinner table or when they eat.
4. People that think they are all that.
5. I hate scratching little bumpy surfaces .
6. When people chew gum loudly.
7. Dirty laundry on the floor.
8. when people talk and spit on you. that's soooooooooo gross!!!!!
9. Left over dirt in the sink.
10. When people fight over something minor or something that doesn't matter.
11. My family member tries to be smarter than someone else and then gets into a argument.
12. When someone thinks they are cute but they are really prissy and annoying.
13. When someone tries to wake me up early in the morning.
14. When people think their funny when they're not.
15. When there's no point to what someone is saying.
16. When people try to make me laugh or be happy when I'm mad( just let me be mad ill get over it)
17. When people annoy me on purpose(If you annoy me enough you will get hit)
18. When at McDonald's they give you a little bit of fries.
19. When people think they rich because they got a dollar.
20.When you go to a drive thru and the workers are taking their time.
21. When you get a hamburger back and it's all sloppy or looks like they were in a rush.
22. When people have more shoes than they need
23. When adults treat me like a little kid.
24. When people fight others because of race.
25. I hate when one of my aunts take me shopping and we stay all day long

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friends deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I really don't know if i should tell her parents or even the police. Its so horrible that this happens to her. She is always a happy and outgoing person. You would never tell that this goes on in her house.

She told me this terrible secret when we were in our little hide out in the back of my house. We were there eating finger sandwiches and trying to figure out our hard algebra. We were in the middle of question number 15 and she asked me a question.

" Can you keep a secret."

"Yeah. Why?"

" Because I have a deep dark secret that i have never ever told anyone."

" Cool. Are you going to tell me?"

"Yeah because your my best friend, but you cant tell anyone. You got it?"

" Okay I got it. Is it a really good secret or really creepy or what?"

" Well. Since my mom has gotten married to Jerri I've..I've.."

" Yeah you can tell me."

" I've been abused by my step dad."

" Are you serious?"

" You know when i don't come to school?"

"yeah. What happened?"

"Its because he hit me and i bruised so bad that my parents were afraid that he'd be caught and get in trouble. So they didn't let me go to school."

" Oh my god. And your mom doesn't do anything about it?"

" No because he supports our family with money. Shes afraid that if she leaves that we wont make it."

" You should tell children services or at least the council lady at school."

" No! If I or anyone tells then my family will become poor and we wont have enough money to take care of me and my 3 sisters. Then we'll have to go to foster homes and then they'll all blame it on me. It will be my fault."

" Well how can i help?"

" By not telling anyone and just being my best friend."

" Okay. I got your back." I did not know what to do after she told me her deep dark secret. It's so bad what she has to go through. IF i tell then she wont have to go through it anymore. But if i do then she probably wont want to be my friend and she and her sisters might be put in foster care. I don't want that to be on my conscious. Wait a minute. What worse to have on your conscious, you not telling anyone that your best friends being abused, or telling and putting your friend in a foster home? Oh i don't know what to do. Maybe I'll ask my mom for advice. But not tell her who it is I'm talking about. So after Beth left, I went in for the day. Mom was sitting at the table feeding my baby brother Nathan. So i wander around her for a while until finally she asked what did i need. I told her," Well what if i knew someone that was having problems at school?''
" What kind of problems?" mom says.

" Oh just the fact that their parents abuse them. And they told me to keep it a secret . What should i do?"

" Why is one of your friends parents abusing them?"

" No no no no. just asking a, what if."

" I don't really know. But if they were my best friend then i would tell someone that I trust that could help stop the situation. And if my friend got mad and didn't want to be friends then they weren't a good friend because they should know that I was only trying to stop the abusive situation."

" Okay thanks mom" What mom said was inspiring. But i still don't think i should tell. Ill make my mind up tomorrow. I went to bed thinking about what if i were in her position. The next day i see Beth in the hall ways t school. She asked if i told anyone and i said of course not. Se looked a little tired today. I didn't ask why because i didn't really want to be all in her business. Especially after she told me her secret. So we go through school fast. When i got home i went in my hide out in the back of the yard and thought. I sat there for almost an hour and a half. After that long period to think i made up my mind to not tell anyone until she was ready to. The next day i ask about what she wants to do about the situation. She told me that she will never tell. So then i said," If you don't tell then i will because i don't want you to get hurt."

" If you tell then all those bad things will happen to my family."

" Do you know what can happen to you? He's a grown man Beating you. If he was mad enough he could kill you. Do you want that?" Then she started crying.

" No but i don't want my family to be apart. But i don't want to be beaten anymore. But i don't know what to do."

"we're going o the children services."

" Okay."

We go to the children services about 5 blocks down. We tell them

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and i was assigned to the case. We found her near a local pool. It seems like she committed suicide. It looks like she drowned herself. When you're a crime scene investigator you can never assume anything. The pool monitor found her in the pool as he was coming in for work. He says she was just floating in the pool at around 11 when he was coming in. He had thought she could still be alive so he pulled her out of the water. But when he felt her cold damp body, he knew she was already gone. That's when he called the police. We investigate the crime scene. We toke pictures for evidence. My partner Detective Jamerson and i looked around the pool area and inside where the pool monitor and staff worked. Nothing suspicious was found until I heard Detective Stan yell

" I think i found something over here." Jamerson and I walked over there. When I looked down there was a small revolver lying on the ground next to the garbage bags.

"This is evidence. We gotta bag it." said Jamerson. After 7 hours on the scene, we found a revolver, hair sample, and a shoe print. I take it back to the lab to test my findings. But before I did that I went to see Dr. Briggs in the morgue room. He was just closing up the body.

"So what did you find? Anything interesting or something i need to know?" I said.

" You ask too many questions." said Briggs in a raspy voice.

" Yeah well i am a crime scene investigator." I said sarcastically.

" Really?" he laughs." We identified her as Georgia Peach. I did find bullet wounds in her left arm and near her rib cage. I have proof that she was straggled or forced under the water."

" Well that explains a lot. We found a revolver at the local pool area. Are these the bullets?"

"Yeah. You can take them."

" Okay I'll go run some test on them."

That's when our first suspect was escorted into the conference room. He looked like he was in his mid 20's. I toke the papers from Detective Becera. The suspects name is Greg Lamano. He's 23 and he has dark brown hair and kind of long face. I went into the conference room to talk.
" What did i do?" he said.
"I don't know, what did you do?" i said. " Did you know this woman?"He looked at the picture of Georgia.

" No never seen her before." he says.

"The weapon belongs to you and it's under your name.

" It wasn't me." he says in a smart tone.

" Then why does the murder weapon point to you. You own the weapon that killed this woman."

" So it wasn't me. I didn't even know this lady."

"Okay I'm done." Then i left the room. I went home that night thinking about if i want to do this all my life. Do I want to be a detective all my life? I've never done anything but detective work all my life. When i was kid i always looked at places like they were a crime scene. When there was a problem i was always the one to solve it. I think I'm getting tired of detective work. But I'll think about that tomorrow.
When i went to work the next day, at around 1:00, my coworkers had already found our 2 more suspect. Their names were Dominic Jerasee, and Theo Harper. Dominic was a tall ca cation guy with a messed up hair do. Theo was a short round fat guy. When Jamerson talked to them he only found out that they say they knew her from someone else. They say that her friends introduced them to her but they did not kill her. Detective Stan toke the shoe prints from both suspects. We found a shoe print at the pool so we have to check them. We looked them both up in the systems and found out that they did know Georgia. Dominic and Theo worked for Georgia. Later the suspects were released after questioning. Then at around 5:00 we had a story. Someone came in and said they saw what happened. The old woman was someone that lived in the community near the pool for 16 years. She had salt and pepper colored hair. She was wrinkly but soft at the touch. She seemed like a sweet old lady. When we talked and questioned her she answered quiet honestly to me. She says
" Well i was closing my window for the night and i saw two guys. One was tall and the other was really round.Like a balloon i say. They were standing over someone on the pool edge. The person was very limp. Then they lowered the person into the water and held them there for over 6 minutes. I knew what they did. They drowned somebody in that pool. Someone else had came in and when he saw the other two guys he ran off.That's when i called the cops, But they said they'd see about it in the morning. Then i told them that it would be too late in the morning but they didn't listen."
After that confession I thought I knew the killers of Georgia Peach. It had to be Dominic and Theo. They fit the descriptions. So I had Stan bring them in for more questioning and maybe a confession from them. I go in for the confession. But they tell the same story they already told us before. I was just about to get Theo to brake but all of a sudden Jamerson comes in and and calls me out. I asked what was the matter and he tells me that the foot print belonged to Dominic. That meant he was there at the crime. But now all we got to find out is who the two killers were and who walked in on the two. This case was getting easier and easier. Now i need to go back to the scene. I go back the next day to see that its the same as when we left it. What i find helps me find the killers. There was blood on the edge of he pool. I get a sample. When i go to the lab i found out that the blood was Theo's. I get Theo alone in the conference room. I looked at his arm and see a cut where the blood must have come from. I ask "Theo where did you get that cut from?" He hesitates and covers it up.

" From work."

" Really. Business me shouldn't get cut like that at an office."

" Its a really bad paper cut."

" Where were you Monday night?"

" I was at home watching movies."

" On a work day?''

" Yeah"

" If you were at home then why did we find your blood at the crime scene"

" I don't know?"

" We have your wife here and we asked her where you were that night and she says you weren't home. Why is that?"

He didn't answer at first but then he spoke. "Cause i came in late. "

" No i think you were at the scene. You were holding her down in the water.You and Dominic killed Georgia."

" No Dominic wasnt even there."

" What are you talkin about?"

" Yeah i helped kill Goergia but i was forced to.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

what would make logandale better

Logandale is losing students every year. Something that could change this is by
having a better disciplinary system. You should because students get detentions
almost everyday. Parents don’t like a school that has bad students. Students will do
better and get better grades. So we need a better discipline system

Logandale should get a better system because students think they can get away with anything. If this happens the students will misbehave all the time. The Parents
will look at this and say they don’t want their children in this environment.
Students will not listen and will do what they want. This will not do.

Parents don’t like to send their students to school with bad students. Students
here curse, hit on each other, and a lot of students just do what they want. If
parents were to see this they would not want their students going here. When I first walked in the door I heard students cursing and I saw students playing
around. This was the closest school so I had to go here. But when I started to
know the students here I liked the school. But first impressions do matter.

If we had a better system the students would most likely do better in school
and get better grades. If students weren’t busy with getting detention they would
be more interested in the work. Students here get detention all the time. So they
probably don’t do their school work. They are more interested in being bad and
getting detentions so they don’t remember to do their work like their supposed to.
So we need to stop the bad behavior in the school.

This is why we need to have a better disciplinary system at Logandale. If we
have a better system then the students will not do what ever they want. Parents
will not turn away their children from this school because they see the students the
students being behaved. Students will be better in school and get better grades.
Lastly, people would want to come here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

lucky's life story.

When lucky was born i thought she looked like my great grandma Betty at first. She was a little 3lb pemature baby girl. We named her after my street nickname Lucky. She was in the hospital for . When she came out of the hospital i was proudly walking in san deigo, california with my first child. She had alot of clothes and stuff. I was getting a little jealous because of the things she had. When she was 1 years old her older brothers started their riots. They do anything to get attention. Her oldest brother Tony would leave her in the room by herself and just let her cry. Sometimes he'd close the door so no one would hear her. I never liked Tony he was always a mamas boy and a cry baby.Then there was Dominique. He was a really bad kid. He would try to get Lucky in trouble all the time. When Lucky was 2, he ate a whole container of strawberries. He gave some to Lucky but he knew he wasnt supossed to eat them, so he wiped the smered strawberries all down her shirt and left her in front of the refridgerater with it open. A few minutes later i came in and she was still sitting there with strawberries all over her. I knew Dominique did it 'cause Tony doesnt eat srawberries and Lucky doesnt no how to open the fridge yet. Then at night they'd try to push her away from her moms side. Tony was afraid of rabbits when he was little. So dominique used to pick up rabbits around the house and put them on Tony just to scare him. It was kinda funny how they would try to get her in trouble and get attention. Then later when she started talking i had to go to prison. While i was there i thought about Lucky everyday and night. Later when i was locked up i found out from lucky's mom that she was pregnant again with my son. I was so happy. Icouldnt wait to get out. After a while I lost contact with them. When i got out i went to cincinnati, Ohio where i was born and where all my family lived. But while i was in Cincinnati, Lucky, her mom and brothers moved to south carolinia with her mom's mom. Carol never liked me so we alwayed kept our distance. But in south Carolinia Lucky started kindergarden. Her and her brothers went to the same school. She was a normal child, she went to school and learned her abc's , she learned t tie her shoes, and read, and write. At her house she had 2 dogs, one was hers, and a cat. Lucky, tony, marciel,and Dominique were fasinated with animals. But Dominique was more curiuos than the other two. He started killing animals after a while. Then a really horrible thing happened. Lucky's mom could not take the presure of having 4 chidren and having another on the way, so she put Lucky, Dominique, Tony, and Marciel in a foster home. Lucky was 4 and Marciel was 3 years old when this happened. Lucky and Marciel went to a home and Dominique and Tony went to another. They had a counsiler that toke them to see their brothers. After 2 years Dominique was not so bad. He stopped killing animals and getting in trouble. When Lucky was 5 i came to take her home. she couldnt stay until i went to court to get custody. So she went back. Then we found out that the old lady she was staying with was friends with the famous comedian Chris Rock's mother. Lucky and my son meet Chris Rock the christmas of 2000. Then in 2001 i got custody of her and her brother. now they live with me. i will give everything for them.