1. Adolf Hitler was the leader.
2. It started around 1933 and ended in 1945.
3.Holocaust means sacrafice by fire in greek.
4.Germany believed that Germans were racially superior.
5.The Nazis thought the jews were a threat to their racial community.
6. German's also targeted other groups, because of their perceived racial inferiority, like the Gypsies, the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples,Russians, and others.
7. Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavior, among them communists, socialists, jehovah witnesses, and homosexuals.
8. Between two and three million of people were murdered or died of starvation, disease, neglect, or maltreatment.
9.Hitler called it the final solution.
10.The term ghetto come from the name of the Jewish quarter in Venice.
11.There are three diffrent ghettos, the open ghetto, closed ghetto, and destruction ghetto.
12.Almost six million jews were killed during the holocaust.
13. Nazis treated women the same as men.
14. Women that were pregnant or had small children were automatically sent to exacution camps.
15. In the final months of the war, guards moved camp inmates by train or on forced marches, that were called death marches in an attempt to prevent the Allied liberation of large numbers of prisoners.
16.Poland was the country with the largest Jewish population.
17.Jews and Roma were gassed in mobile gas vans.
18.they made gas chambers to make killing the jews more efficent.
19. Up to 6,000 Jews were gassed there each day.
20.Jews in Nazi-occupied land often were first taken to transit camps.
21.the forcrd the camp inmates to do forced labor.
22.The Germans killed as many as 1.5 million children, including over a million Jewish children.
23.they killed tens of thousands of gypsy children.
24.In the ghettos, Jewish children died from starvation and exposure and because they have no adequate clothing or shelter.
25.children were usally the first to go to killing centers or the first to be taken to mass graves and shot.
26.Pogrom is a Russian word meaning to wreak havoc to demolish violently.
27.Germans would shot someones family in front of them.
28.Women were beaten and raped in camps.
29. Pregnant women were claimed not able to work, so they kill them or get abortions.
30.They toke people to gassing chambers and killing centers.
31.the warsaw ghetto was the biggest ghetto that was used in the holocaust.
32.they did experiments on people, children, women and men.
33.the jews and slave people had tatooed numbers on their bodies.
34.they wore a jacket called the julian noga prisoners jacket.
35.if you ha a child from a german then they would still have abortions or put the women in a gassing chamber.
36.They experimented sterilizing women at camps.
37.Some campers would hide people and children in ghettos.
38.alot of people were split up and taken away from each others.
39.some families were killed in front of other families.
40.Pregnant Jewish women often tried to conceal their pregnancies or were forced to submit to abortions.
41.Some women were active in the aid and rescue operations of the Jews in German-occupied Europe.
42.The Nazis didnt care what race, sex, as long as you werent german, they would put you in camps.
43.They had mobile killing units.
44.Shooting was the most common form of killing used by the mobile killing units.
45.They would gas people in a van.
46.They packed mass people in gassing chambers to kill more people.
47.After the Nazis siezed power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler publicly discouraged "disorder" and acts of violence.
48.The pogrom in Kielce was one of the factors that led to a mass westward migration of hundreds of thousands of Jews who had survived the Holocaust.
49.They raped and murdered their Jewish victims and looted their property.
50.By late summer of 1941, increasing instances of corruption, plunder, settling of old scores, destruction of important economic resources, and the infiltration of former communists into groups that perpetrated the “pogroms” led the German authorities to abandon the practice on the Eastern Front.
Pasta with pork chops
11 years ago
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