PG 832(1-8)
1.The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why
The hardest rule for me to follow would to stay completely still from 8am to 6pm and to not be able to talk for that long. I like to move around when I'm sleep and awake. I could not stay quiet for that long. I don't like to talk that much but i couldn't stay quiet for 10 hours.
2. a)In scene 1, what objects does Mr.Frank find in the secret rooms?b)How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?
Mr.Frank finds a scarf and a white female glove.The scarf was a Christmas gift from Anne, the year they were caught. The scarf might have reminded him of that last Christmas with Anne. The white glove belonged to Margot, his other daughter. It might have reminded him of his daughter.
3. a)what special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?b) What do Anne's presents show about her? (c)Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents?
Hanukkah mean togetherness for the families. It also means another year being alive and not in concentration camps.
Anne's presents show that she cares about every body in the house even though she argues with them constantly. It also shows that she can still think of the good things instead of all the bad.
They act enthusiastically because they know it will make Anne feel better. They know that they might not ever get another present again and this may be their last Hanukkah together.
4.Discuss Mr.Frank's statement, "There are no locks that anyone can put on your mind." How does Anne prove its true.
Anne always spoke her mind. Even though bad things were happening around her she still was herself and thought of good things and what she would do when she got back home. No one could tell her not to be herself or think the way she did. So no one could put a lock or stop her from thinking what she did about the world.
5. What is the historical cause that forced the Franks to go into hiding? b) What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?
During this time the holocaust was going on around them. They had to be quiet for a long period of time during they day. They could not go outside because if they did they would be caught. They all had to get along with each other in the house too, because if they didn't they could get caught by the Nazis. They couldn't eat a lot of food because they didn't have much and Meip didn't come all the time.
6.a) What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews. b) What background information about war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended treatment effects?
The Nazis wanted to be able to tell the difference from a Jew and a none Jew. So they made Jews war the star of David. The Nazis mostly targeted the Jews so they would have to know who was a Jew and who wasn't. The family hid because they didn't want to be in concentration camps. The Nazis made people scared so they went into hiding. They didnt want them to feel like people are strong.
7. Complete an organizer with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.
a) Reveals character and relationships-"In spite of everything, i still believe that people are really good at heart."b) Advances the action of the plot-"You dirty thief...stealing good-for-nothing..."c) Develop the conflict-"Usally when i come up here, i try to bring good news.I know it's a terrible thing to ask of you, living as you are, but would you take him in with you?"
8.After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personality?
Mr Van Daan is selfish and doesnt want any one else to eat their food. He doesnt want another mouth to feed. Anne and the Franks are okay with having another person in the house. They find a place for him to stay right away.
PG 870(1-9)
1. What do you like best about Anne Frank?How would you like having her as a friend?
I like that she always thought of the good things about things and people. On Christmas instead of her thinking about if this was going to be my last, she gave people presents and thought of ways to make them smile. I would love for to be my friend because shes a tough person. She could get through anything. She also would find ways to make my laugh.
2. a) What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler bring on New Years? b) What hint does this gve about the ending of the story? Mr.Kraler told them that a theif had come in and stole the radio. The theif could have told the Nazis that they were in the house hiding. So we know that the Nazis came and toke them away.
3. a) What is the time span of Act II. b) How have the characters changed since the end of Act I. c)How do you know that Anne has changed? The time span is about a year. From January 1944 till November 1945. In the end of Act I the families are happy and rejoicing because its hanukkah. But in Act II they are mad that Mr. Van Daan stole food from them. They also were scared that they were caught.
4.How can Anne believe that in spite of all that people are really good at heart? b) What does Mr.Frank mean when he says She puts me to shame. Anne is only a little girl and she hasnt expereinced what the older people have. So she knows that people dont do bad because thy are just evil but because its for a reason. Some people act bad because they try to protect others. So she knows that people are good inside bad bad on the outside.
5.Identify cause and effect. a) Mr.Van Daan desion to steal food. b) Mrs.Franks change in heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave. A) The rest of the family had littler and littler to eat each night. Also Mrs.Frank got made and wanted his family outexcept Peter. B)Peter and his family got to stay. Anne got to stay with Peter.
6. What are some possible causes of Mrs.Van Daan attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship. In the story Mrs.Van Daan was always surronded by boys in her younger days. So the things she did with those boys might have made her think Anne and Peter was going to do the same thing. She's also a mother and all mothers want the best for their children and she might not think Anne is the right one for him. Anne is also 3 years younger than Peter, so his mom might think he shouldd be with someone his own age, like Margot.
7. Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the "Secret Annex." List three effects that result from this single cause. They had to make a sick person better or they all might get sick. The children thought thy were going to go crazy from being in the tightly spaced house and from not being outside. There were constent fights btween each person because there was not alot of space and not alot of food.
8. Identify the possible motivation behind the actions. 1)Meip brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms. 2) Mr.Van Daan steals food. 3) Peter lets Anne in his room. Meip had good news that the invasion had started and the war should be over soon and they will be free to go outside again. Mr.Van Daan is a big person and hes most likely not used to eating so little food. Peter is starting to like Anne alot more and he thinks she's a nice person.
9.What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding? If the person thhat caught them was really a thief then the thief could have told on them and so his crimes could be dropped. He wouldnt have to go to jail if he turned them in.
Pasta with pork chops
11 years ago